
New Labour Ticket Machines

Whenever I speak to a typical New Labour MP or government minister, it is like talking to a ticket machine at a train station. For you can get the basic information by selecting the right buttons, but you cannot get the cheapest price – no matter what question you ask it. They are programmed to defy logic and simply regurgitate what they are told by the puppet masters. This infuriates the public and even though you cannot make everyone agree with you, at least having an opinion and a plan to enact it can bring respect and ultimately ‘buy-in’ to the agenda you’re trying to implement. For the Labour Party has always been and remains committed to equality and the creation of opportunity, a fairer more equal UK and world. Labour needs to be honest and say that the market should not be in certain areas of society: health. government, housing and utilities along with transport being the key ones in my view. If the ‘New Labour’ brigade continually pushes the market as the provider of services and the public sector the commissioner of them, then we will miss an opportunity that most people in this country would accept, namely a rebalancing between the interests of profit at the expense of humanity.

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