
I was supposed to go out canvassing...

...but I am snotty and sweaty after the Swine Flu injection. They told me I would get some symptoms and that this is normal, given that I am placed in a high risk group being diabetic. However, I thought it unwise to knock on people's doors this afternoon and sneeze all over them.

I know quite a few people that have had the virus, but no-one with diabetes. This is my fault really as I do not go to the support groups. I am sure there is one in London. I am also sure I am not alone in that. So now I will be eating my vegetarian stew and thinking about how many voters I have missed. It is absolutely vital that people wishing to stand for public office meet everyone they can, especially in a climate of distrust and dislike for politicians. Though I have never said I am a politician, as this goes against my personal view of myself, namely that politics is a mechanism to maintain the good things we have and fight to rid our society of the negative - my perception.

So I will be back to normal in a few days and knocking on a door in Telegraph Hill. This afternoon I shall be meeting my personal friend, the duvet, for some quiet time. I really do lead an exciting life.

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